Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ask Mrs. B about…Wonder

Wonder by RJ. Palacio
This is the season of giving and I am excited to share with you the gift of Wonder by R.J. Palacio!  I think you will also want to share this book with others when you are done reading it.
August "Auggie" Pullman is an ordinary boy in many ways.  He likes to ride his bike, eat ice cream and play XBox, just like many of the students at Canonsburg Middle School.  Unfortunately, Auggie doesn't feel like a normal boy, especially when other kids stare at him or look at him and run away screaming.  All because he was unlucky enough to be born with a severe facial deformity.
Now after years of home-schooling, Auggie is about to enter the fifth grade at Beecher Prep. It’s hard enough being the new kid in middle school, but being the new kid in middle school who doesn’t look like anyone else…this was going to be a challenge!
It would be nice to think that everyone at Auggie’s new school will be welcoming and accepting, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. It rarely is. While some of the students are nice to him, others are just down-right mean. At one point, Auggie discovers that his class-mates are playing their own version of “The Cheese Touch” by spreading the rumor that you’ll get the “Plague” by touching Auggie.
So what do you think? Will the kids at Beecher Prep be up to the challenge? Will they choose to be cruel or kind? I dare you to read Wonder and not want to do your own part to make even just a small difference at Canonsburg Middle School. Are you ready to Choose to be Kind?

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