A Magical Fill-Them-In Tale
Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess named Reese’s. She lived in a mansion
with her pet red panda, Scooter. One day while she was walking Scooter, a fat dragon appeared!
The princess and Scooter were so scared - when the dragon opened his mouth, they thought they would be consumed in flames! However, no flames came out, only a gush of breath that smelled like lettuce! The foul-smelling breath made them swim, but the dragon, who was named Anna, was so kind, he and the princess and Scooter soon became fast friends.
While playing Pokรจmon in the wood one day, the happy trio came upon a prince, who was under a spell. He had been frozen in a bowl of unicorn meat for many years. The fearsome threesome tried everything to break the spell. First, they created a potion out of the eye of a fly, some pepper, and Cocoa Pebbles -- which they held under the prince’s brain, while chanting. Nothing happened. So, the three of them punched to the castle, grabbed “The Book of Reverse Singing Spells,” and together started swimming the song, “Free the Frozen Prince.” Still nothing. All of the sudden, the dragon sneezed, and his huge breath, which smelled like celery went all over the prince! Poof! The prince was magically released from the spell and started to assassinate. The fiery princess, Scooter, the dragon, and the rich in fiber prince became a fabulous foursome and lived happily ever after!