X-Isle by Steve Augarde
Set in a future where massive floods have buried cities and towns underwater and only those on the highest ground have survived, XIsle tells the story of a supposed island oasis run by charismatic Preacher John. Boys are selected to live on the island when their families trade valuable goods to give their sons and young brothers a chance to sail on the Cormorant and live with Preacher John and his crew. The island provides a hopeful future away from the drowned society they reside in with their families and friends.
All is not what is seems for the boys once they arrive on the island. The promised advantages are replaced by cramped living quarters and slave labor. The boys are forced to work for Preacher John, a self-righteous religious fanatic looking to collect as much wealth and valuables as possible. Preacher John's crew watch over the boys and make their lives miserable.
XIsle focuses on a boy name Baz and explores his trials and tribulations as he and the other group of boys trapped on the island try and figure out a way to escape. There are moments of hope and moments of tragedy as the David vs. Goliath story moves along. Funny situations give way to sometimes brutal consequences.
The characters in the book speak in an English accent which at times can be confusing for the reader. Overall, I would say the book is pretty predictable but does have some exciting twists and turns. If you like "me against the world" stories, then you probably will enjoy XIsle by Steve Augarde. Not up to "Lord of the Flies", "Lost" or "Hunger Games" standards, but not bad.